Are you feeling stressed out from your day-to-day life? Are you searching for Tulsa Dermaplaning, or even a facial massage? Now is your chance to turn to Therapeutic Touch and get a high quality face massage for 50% off your first time. You are going to be absolutely ecstatic with joy to know that Therapeutic Touch is going to not only provide you facial massages, and dermaplaning, but also in waxing and back facials as well. You are going to be one very happy person to know that our services are going to be exactly what you have been searching for this whole entire time. We are going to be the only ones that you are going to be wanting to have to help detox and cleanse your skin.
You are going to be able to see that the most amazing Tulsa Dermaplaning and our facials are going to be blowing you are mine. You are going to be one very happy person to know Therapeutic Touch is going to be giving you a reason why you should be getting one. First and foremost we are going to help increase blood circulation to your face, which will then rejuvenate and tone it as well. You can help detox your skin by getting one of our amazing high-quality facials. We are going to be helping cleanse your skin so that way you are going to be feeling, and looking, 10 years younger as well. No other us a facial massage company is going to even be able to come close to what we provide.
We are going to be giving you a Tulsa Dermaplaning and a facial massage that will never leave your memory. Therapeutic Touch will show you that we have eight steps that will make it an unforgettable experience. We will steam your face to open up the course, and then cleanse it from any of the dirt that we can get. We’ll then have a magnifying lamp so that way we can see exactly what kind of skin we are dealing with and how we can best help it. We will provide an exfoliation, extraction, massage and moisturizer that will be able to make sure that it is going to be absolutely in the best shape. You are going to be one very happy person to know that Therapeutic Touch will be the only one that you should be turning to.
You are going to want to also know that we provide dermaplaning that will help remove and scrape off any excess dead skin or peach fuzz. You are going to be feeling so much better as your skin is going to be cleansed from the dead skin that has been clogging up your face.
For more information questions or concerns go check out our website or give us a call at or 918-939-9822
Tulsa Dermaplaning | the finer the skin the better
Are you feeling stressed out because you can get a Tulsa Dermaplaning? Are you tired of not having a properly exfoliated face? Now is your chance to turn to Therapeutic Touch and get the highest quality services. She is going to be able to provide for you a facial massage, dermaplaning, waxing and so much more. Our amazing staff here is going to be able to provide for you the most amazing therapeutic massage that you have ever been able to have for your face. You will also know that it will be 50% off your very first time whenever you come with us. We are going to be able to show you time and time again that you are going to be able to receive our quality help whenever you are going to be needing to just simply relax. Our amazing 60 minute or 90-minute sessions are going to be exactly what you need to help forget about your past week.
Speaking of cleansing your skin you will be able to get a Tulsa Dermaplaning, and a facial massage that will be able to do just that. You are going to be able to see that Therapeutic Touch will be able to help promote blood circulation to your face, which is going to be leaving and feeling rejuvenated and tone. We will provide you the cleansing and multi step treatment that will make your face feel better. You are going to be knowing that your skin will be completely hydrated, and well taken care of because of our services that we are going to be providing for you.
You are going to be one very happy person to know that we will be the Tulsa Dermaplaning expert that you will want to have. We are also going to show you that we have eight steps whenever it comes to our quality facials. We will steam and cleanse your face so that way we can remove any dirt and other things that will be on it. You will then be getting a consultation where you look at your skin and see what we need to do to help it out. We will then exfoliate your skin with scrubs, masks and other kind massages as well. We will then extract any of the remaining there that we find, and then give you a nice relaxing massage. We will then moisturize and protect your skin so that way you will be happy.
We know how vital it is to be able to get a dermaplaning that you can trust. You will be able to get all of the dead skin scraped off of your face as well as the peach fuzz that you have been so desperately wanting to get rid of. As we get rid of that dead skin on your face, you are going to be feeling so much better, and want to tell all of your friends about it. We will then provide you the moisturizer that is going to help you look absolutely amazing and get a well hydrated face.
For more information questions or concerns go check out our website or give us a call at or 918-939-9822